Talk Feedback

“Zoe is clearly very passionate about maths and this has such a huge impact on the students.” Head of Maths, London

“Zoe is one of the best presenters I’ve ever seen.” Craig Barton, CPD session for teachers at MathsConf24, October 2020. More here on the podcast ‘Conference Takeways’, from 1:08:50 

“Zoe was an engaging speaker. She challenged and stretched with intriguing questions which led to excellent discussions amongst the students.” Event organiser for sixth form students

“Zoe is a great speaker and the students really valued the talk she gave. It was pitched appropriately, and both staff and students enjoyed the talk immensely.” University lecturer, talk for first year undergraduates and staff

“The interactivity was the best part, it really engaged people. Zoe was also very funny and had excellent delivery.” Head of Maths, London – evening talk for parents and students

“Zoe was an amazing presenter. The students and teachers were really impressed.” Sessions for Key Stage 3 and 4, Head of Maths, International School